Getting featured on YouTube: Ben Calvert

May 14, 2012

+44 (0)116 253 0203

Birmingham folk artist Ben Calvert (signed to Bohemian Jukebox, distributed by Horus Music) has seen his latest music video ‘Valpolicella Girl’ featured on YouTube  on the front page today.

This week Ben is releasing his new single and is actively marketing the release with a UK wide tour alongside supportive press campaigns and radio play.

Speaking about this wonderful surprise Ben said “Fantastic news, that’s made my day”.

Nick Dunn, CEO of Horus Music said “Ben has worked very hard in marketing himself and been very thorough.  It’s with that kind of attention to detail as well as producing a quality product that made it possible for us to ask Google YouTube for marketing support and show them what the artist was doing to help himself.  We are very grateful and pleased with this success and have seen already in a short time the number of views rocket and this only continues to prove to us the importance of producing a good video and working along side our colleagues at YouTube.”

How Do I Get Featured on YouTube?

It is important to be honest in your video, don’t post a misleading thumbnail just to get views as this will negatively affect your Watch Time and actually work against what you are trying to achieve. Make sure you are using the right keywords too, be honest and don’t overload them.

YouTube will at look at whether or not people are watching your video through to the end or if they are leaving within the first half of the video.

The number of views you already have will play a factor as it shows whether or not people are actually searching for your content.

Don’t be tempted to pay for views, but be sure to use other promotional tools to promote your music such as social media, and radio campaigns to increase your visibility. The efforts you are making to promote the video and your music yourself plays a big part in YouTube’s decision making.

All artists who are distributed through Horus Music have the ability to be featured on Google YouTube and other services around the world. If you’re interested in being distributed by Horus Music and taking advantage of such high level marketing, then do contact us for more information.

In the meantime, watch Ben Calvert and The Swifts’ music video for ‘Valpolicella Girl’ below and then start promoting your own releases.

Click below to make a video to deliver to YouTube today!

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